
Foto de Enry1949
  • Partidas Jogadas: 2964
  • Prêmios Totais: $6,099.15
  • Média de Buy-In: $2.46
  • Mais grande Buy-in: $215.00
  • ITM %: 24,93
  • Lucro Total: -$1,196.93
  • Média de Lucro: -$0.40
  • Média de ROI %: -16,41
Resultados por # Partidas Jogadas
Resultados por Data (Linha)
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Jogo Partidas Jogadas Média de Lucro Média de ROI % Lucro Total Buy-In ITM % Vitórias/Derrotas
Turbo 344 -$0.13 -6,65 -$45.75 $2.00 36,34 125/219
Turbo 217 -$0.94 -18,8 -$204.01 $5.00 33,64 73/144
Hyper 6-Max 193 -$0.29 -14,65 -$56.54 $2.00 32,12 62/131
The Brawl Centroll: $55 Gtd [Tickets] 124 -$0.01 -100 -$1.24 $0.01 0 0/124
Turbo 118 -$0.13 -13,47 -$15.89 $1.00 35,59 42/76

Premiações Grandes Recentes

Finalizado Torneio Buy-In+Taxa Classificação Prêmio
11/08/2020 The Deepstack Sat:{#P}10 x $215 Gtd{#M} $20.00+$2.00 3/51 $215.00
03/26/2020 Bounty Hunter $2.20:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} $2.10+$0.10 6/551 $57.73
07/25/2020 Deepstack $1.10:{#P}$250 Gtd{#M}[Hyper, 6-Max]{#S} $1.05+$0.05 3/312 $43.23
04/20/2020 Turbo $9.28+$0.72 1/9 $41.77
04/21/2020 Turbo $9.28+$0.72 1/9 $41.77

Últimos Torneios 10 de Poker

Finalizado Torneio Buy-In+Taxa Classificação Prêmio
05/08/2021 The Ocean's Sat:{#M}10 x $11 Gtd{#S} $1.00+$0.10 52/87 $0.00
05/08/2021 $1K Boosted Daily Legends Daily Freeroll $0.00+$0.00 169/990 $0.00
05/06/2021 Daily Legends Feeder:{#M}10 x $1.10 Gtd{#S} $0.10+$0.01 36/64 $0.00
05/06/2021 The Mini One Shot Feeder:{#M}7 x $1.10 Gtd{#S} $0.10+$0.01 72/83 $0.00
05/06/2021 The Terminator:{#P}$17.5K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $9.00+$1.00 1526/1582 $0.00
05/06/2021 The Chieftain Sat:{#P}2 x $55 Gtd{#M} $5.00+$0.50 15/13 $0.00
05/06/2021 The Chieftain Feeder:{#P}3 x $5.50 Gtd{#M} $0.50+$0.05 2/13 $5.50
05/05/2021 Daily Legends Feeder:{#M}5 x $2.20 Gtd{#S} $0.20+$0.02 4/58 $2.20
05/05/2021 The Jab Sat:{#M}10 x $1.10 Gtd{#S} $0.10+$0.01 81/92 $0.00
05/05/2021 The Chop Sat:{#P}5 x $3.30 Gtd{#M} $0.30+$0.03 15/21 $0.00