Informações do torneio: The Hitmen €10 [Ultra KO], €5 000 Gtd



NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Torneio iniciado

julho 22, 2017 11:00




€9,00 + €1,00

Caixa de prêmios

1 PikAssiette1 €1,161.10 21 TOUBIBE902 €59.50 41 jp32b €29.00 61 supersoumia €8.00 81 janove666 €15.00
2 kaki95300 €270.88 22 the qit €56.00 42 Senwen €30.00 62 Elmure €30.00 82 13lechauve13 €4.00
3 besmouth €239.91 23 Juanitos1308 €36.00 43 mikly460 €12.00 63 pherza91 €30.00 83 steelerss007 €16.00
4 starf723 €202.56 24 pticlou25 €4.00 44 l'artiste3 €32.00 64 malin83200 €4.00 84 omgistrantor €30.00
5 benxxx27 €110.36 25 FAROUCH84 €16.00 45 bours8585 €16.00 65 ayest €34.50 85 hansen54000 €0.00
6 init974 €117.96 26 firebowl67 €76.63 46 danthai €8.00 66 letmewin94 €18.00 86 totophe59 €12.00
7 Axpot33 €390.55 27 santastique €8.00 47 alexisss27 €4.00 67 Kaksososs €0.00 87 boudiu €14.00
8 kawasaki1144 €158.60 28 morase78150 €79.63 48 DonJohnMcLN €65.50 68 caillon1313 €16.00 88 PANDORA33470 €37.00
9 Antoine19588 €45.98 29 bouliste45 €6.00 49 yannlosc €14.00 69 lareu7 €17.50 89 XAVIERCAEN €0.00
10 plombi15 €99.13 30 FAB8521 €29.25 50 KazimiZZ €8.00 70 Zeux88 €10.00 90 lamerlu €19.00
11 Miragedu91 €67.95 31 ameenmadhuri €8.00 51 77-mumu €12.00 71 etpoughehri3 €20.00 91 zmerlin €8.00
12 Iris593 €108.57 32 medzmedz €20.00 52 souljagirl11 €0.00 72 fredo13om13 €0.00 92 mofra62 €24.00
13 trickyheiddi €96.50 33 nectarine125 €85.25 53 ktmbc €10.00 73 jerem.c85 €0.00 93 le foolek €18.00
14 Briand19 €6.00 34 pachunga76 €241.13 54 player-du-51 €26.50 74 pimousse5928 €12.00 94 andreesterel €43.00
15 skarto167 €193.81 35 mentalkilla €57.50 55 dimmu39 €52.00 75 blackmax92i €27.00 95 DJPOILU €22.00
16 YZFR1978 €32.00 36 maine9458 €83.00 56 steph33610 €6.00 76 lisam77 €16.00 96 ptimarie €60.00
17 damien198569 €18.00 37 yaston911 €31.00 57 poker92230 €22.00 77 barcaclan57 €32.00 97 natacha5423 €12.00
18 Farinio11 €56.75 38 Satchchch €50.25 58 Picsoudu38 €18.00 78 valjean45 €23.00 98 longep41 €12.00
19 scarou076 €24.00 39 thalie14 €61.25 59 poussin2b €14.00 79 jamel1808 €18.00 99 jb059 €40.00
20 2F-El-LOCO €6.00 40 Ludviiks €12.00 60 bracaval €8.00 80 all_frag_69 €4.00 100 creches71 €42.00
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