Informações do torneio: The Hot €10 [8-Max] Turbo, €2,000 Guaranteed



TURBO NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Torneio iniciado

fevereiro 04, 2024 02:30




€9,00 + €1,00

Caixa de prêmios

1 Drakoken €433.12 21 Hungerstrike90 €22.65 41 alefox70 €15.85 61 ceraso88 €0.00 81 Mbriachell €0.00
2 anbilante €322.62 22 _genmatt €22.65 42 Azzurra1970 €15.85 62 Profedelbet €0.00 82 blablabla779 €0.00
3 lelecupo €240.46 23 doodsie €22.65 43 19peppe88 €15.85 63 IoZingaro €0.00 83 anto_fdd95 €0.00
4 lupin0672 €179.23 24 GIUMANGY €18.95 44 pasq1993 €15.85 64 simone1193 €0.00 84 NicosKQ €0.00
5 Giuly0355 €133.59 25 andre7167 €18.95 45 crocchetta85 €15.85 65 il battitore €0.00 85 Birmajoint €0.00
6 miki180890 €99.57 26 Bontane €18.95 46 sicaan €15.85 66 sergio138 €0.00 86 mastroeni642 €0.00
7 Ciconi97 €74.22 27 DevilWhite7 €18.95 47 MacheFai91 €15.85 67 NUMARU1NO €0.00 87 BLACKANGUSMB €0.00
8 gabriel08059 €55.32 28 karlyto24 €18.95 48 dido497 €0.00 68 giuseppinoo22 €0.00 88 IpownedJESUS €0.00
9 ibottini €46.27 29 VaccaDon €18.95 49 Kamilp26 €0.00 69 DarMar666 €0.00 89 KINGMAVE912 €0.00
10 X-Gambit83 €38.71 30 Bleve33 €18.95 50 Rekop1996 €0.00 70 mekos83 €0.00 90 DomenicoDalt €0.00
11 lanusei1 €38.71 31 Joe_Rock11 €18.95 51 alepoker7725 €0.00 71 antonella1963 €0.00 91 max-one36 €0.00
12 Fiocinaaaaa €32.38 32 BULDOZER77 €15.85 52 likemyfire €0.00 72 davidemarc €0.00 92 cuccyy4 €0.00
13 drewsterz €32.38 33 thedude7593 €15.85 53 scassacama €0.00 73 giuliano1112 €0.00 93 pokerghiru €0.00
14 iblin73 €27.08 34 Ciaomorgan €15.85 54 kaki3bet €0.00 74 Pollat94 €0.00 94 battle of poker €0.00
15 Marybian29 €27.08 35 nannimad €15.85 55 jack201608 €0.00 75 airolt €0.00 95 gabri72lap €0.00
16 Robyind1 €27.08 36 pariatore €15.85 56 mrprinco riv €0.00 76 Baileys1990 €0.00 96 zopit71 €0.00
17 mbanicchio33 €27.08 37 gromvv €15.85 57 alex141097 €0.00 77 syobwocatan €0.00 97 frank5287 €0.00
18 samu0299 €22.65 38 toroiaio €15.85 58 aventador1988 €0.00 78 schricchiolo €0.00 98 Superetto444 €0.00
19 Pablito73406 €22.65 39 Armag7 €15.85 59 rondine69 €0.00 79 Roby the g24 €0.00 99 David_Co_81 €0.00
20 strip-poker7 €22.65 40 matteo5679 €15.85 60 anto110987 €0.00 80 DonMario71 €0.00 100 nellino0103 €0.00